It’s no secret that high performers rarely spend their time looking over Internet job sites or scanning the job sections of the classifieds. They are much more likely to be focused on their careers and therefore getting on with doing a good job for their current employer. For this reason, one often finds that the best positions aren’t advertised. Instead, the top employers use recruitment agencies to search the market for these candidates on their behalf.
That doesn’t mean you simply have to wait for us to find and call you. As a smart candidate, you want to form a long-term relationship with your Star Personnel Recruiter so that when your dream job or ideal career opportunity becomes available, the necessary groundwork will already be in place. Furthermore, your Star Recruiter can offer a critical eye on your chosen career path and advise you on steps you might need to take in order to achieve your goals faster and more effectively.
All the benefits at no cost to you
Star Personnel Recruitment is retained by our clients to help them make the right hires. If you have the potential for a position we are recruiting for, we bring a comprehensive range of recruiting and placement services and advice to help you make the most of the opportunity. And best of all, our advice and expertise are free. Star Personnel Recruitment will never charge a candidate any sort of registration fee.
Individual services tailored to you
CV advice
Unlike many other agencies Star Personnel Recruitment does not take your CV and cut and paste it into their own format. You are an individual and so is your CV and the last thing you want is for your CV to look identical to the other 10 or 20 CVs sitting on the hiring manager’s desk. If you are wise, you have spent time and trouble getting your CV right, and it would be terribly unfair if it was made to look like all of the other candidates. Star Personnel sends your CV to the client as you sent it to us. Your Star Personnel Recruiter will be happy to advise you on your CV and help you make sure your CV is set up to get noticed. We also offer free CV Templates to get you started.
Interview coaching
It’s amazing how many winning candidates lose out on a job because of the interview. We’ll teach you standard best practices and provide specific counselling as to how you should prepare for your interview. We also offer detailed constructive feedback once the interview is over.
Receive in-depth preparation and strategy sessions for all your meetings with the hiring company, including salary negotiation. Your Star Recruiter is intensively trained on salary negotiations. Leave it to your recruiter to make sure they get you the best deal possible without blowing the opportunity. It really helps to have a middle man when it comes to Salary Negotiations.
Transition Support
There is no doubt that resigning from your company can be stressful. Of course there may be some of you who can’t wait to do it, but for the majority, it is a stressful time. Your Star Recruiter will be there to support you during this time. There is an easy way, and a hard way to leave an employer. Your Star Recruiter will help you do it without burning bridges.
So what can you expect from us?
Our goal is to find the perfect match for every position. This means we can’t guarantee that we will have a suitable opportunity for you immediately. Instead, based on your detailed preferences, we will identify and present to you only the positions that accurately reflect your chosen professional path as they arise. It’s a win/win for both candidate and client.
We will always discuss opportunities with you in detail, respect your choices and ask your permission to proceed with client presentations of your background and experience. We will never put your CV forward to a client without discussing the details with you first and getting your permission to submit your CV to them. We do not insist that you give us exclusivity on placing you, but we ask that you insist that other agencies also always tell you where your CV is being sent and you should keep a note of this. It is very embarrassing for us and you if we are representing you to a client and your CV has already been sent to them.
People are often surprised to find out that we offer high quality career advice, even when we don’t have a suitable opportunity right away. We believe in building relationships and taking a long-term view. We will keep your resume on file, and stay tuned in to your career development. You can look to us as your ongoing career advocate. This way, when the right opportunity becomes available, we can immediately make the match.
Over the last 25+ years , we’ve found that business people who have a lot of talent and many opportunities can be unsure of what they really want, and how to go about getting it. We have a range of skills and tools to help you identify what’s really important to you. Speak to us about the DISCUS Personality Profiling.
So what do we expect from you?
Our commitment to you is that we will treat you with respect and professionalism. We expect the same from you.
Be honest
Your honesty should never need to be questioned. Remember that a Star Recruiter spends a great deal of time and effort building a relationship with a client and gaining their trust. When this recruiter puts you forward to the client as a candidate, they are taking a chance on you as you will be representing them. Star Personnel will do background checks on you. Depending on the client’s requirements, these will usually include inter alia : Telephonic reference checks with previous employers, Credit Checks, Criminal Checks, Drivers License checks and /or Education Checks. If the recruiter finds out that you have not been completely honest with them upfront, they are likely to question your honesty in all future dealings. Honesty is always the best policy.
Be punctual
Punctuality is arriving on time. 5 minutes early is a good idea, but more than 5 minutes means that you planned poorly. Even if you have to sit in the car for a while, try to never be more than 5 minutes early. NEVER be late. This applies to anytime you are going for an interview, whether it is with a client or with a recruiter – remember when seeing a recruiter, they are having to decide on whether to stake their reputation on you, and punctuality and reliability is critical.
Look the part
Often times candidates think that they do not need to dress the same for the recruiter as they do for the client. This is a critical mistake. The recruiter needs to see how you will present yourself to the client and cannot imagine how you will dress for an interview if you don’t show them. If you are going to make a mistake, then over dress for the recruiter and impress them. A Star Recruiter will give you advice on how to dress when seeing the client.
Bring your documents with you
If you are invited for an interview, you will be asked to bring a printed copy of your CV as well as a head and shoulders photograph of yourself. This is for our records. We cannot interview you without a printed copy of your CV as the recruiter will be taking notes on your CV. The recruiters ask all candidates to bring a printed copy with them and therefore don’t print them ahead of time. It wastes a tremendous amount of time when you could be impressing them if they need to print your CV while you are sitting waiting for them. The ID type photo is attached to your application form and makes sure they can remember you and find your application quickly when they are working with you.
It is also always a good idea to take all your other documents with you when going for an interview (with a recruiter or client). These includes your ID Book, Drivers License and all certificates you might have. This will save a lot of time and hassle later when they need to get these from you.
Like any good relationship, communication is key. If you have been sent for an interview with a client, call your recruiter as soon as possible after the interview and let him or her know how it went. Your recruiter is more likely to bat for the candidate they know is definitely interested in the opportunity and feeds back to them. One of the biggest challenges a recruiter faces, is keeping in touch with all of their candidates. They always appreciate it if you call them, so if you are anxious for feedback, simply give him or her a call.
What positions do we recruit for?
Star Personnel Recruitment is a generalist agency. This means that we focus on our client’s and their specific needs from a secretary to a CEO. We spend a great deal of time getting to know and understand our client’s and their company culture, and for this reason they trust us to find the right personality fit for their team no matter the position. We are particularly strong in the following areas : IT , Sales & Marketing, Office Support, Finance & Accounting, Wine & Fruit Industry, Engineering and Manufacturing. Please visit our current jobs to see which areas we are working on at the moment.
The majority of our placements are in Cape Town, but we have a number of National and International clients and have placed candidates across South Africa and in many countries throughout the world.
Star Personnel is also the Founding member of The Linx Personnel Group – an affiliation of about 50 privately owned and managed recruitment agencies from across South Africa who share candidates and job opportunities in order to provide a faster service to their clients and candidates.
How to Apply For a Position
The most effective approach to apply for a position is to respond to the specific job posting(s) you are interested in by viewing our current jobs and applying for any to which are suitable. This means that your CV will be sent directly to the consultant working on the assignment. Please be sure that you have the requirements for the job, and take some time to write a covering note to introduce yourself to the recruiter and tell him / her why you feel you are suitable.
If you don’t see any specific positions you are interested in, you are still welcome to Post your CV. Your information will then be added to our internal database, from which recruitment specialists are able to contact you with other opportunities that match your skill set. Please continue to check our site just in case an opportunity becomes available that you are interested in and we don’t know it.